How to Check the Exact Word Count
The previously mentioned average word count is just an indication. How can you determine the exact number of words in your text?
If you follow the instructions below, you can determine the exact number of words in your document in Word or other word processors.
Word Count in Word
Microsoft Word automatically displays the number of words in your document on the status bar.
- Right-click the status bar
- Check the box Word Count

Find the number of words, characters (spaces included or excluded), paragraphs, and lines by clicking on the displayed word count in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Check the checkbox to include textboxes, footnotes, and endnotes in your statistics.
Alternatively, on the Review tab under Proofing, click Word Count to see the detailed statistics. The shortcut to show the word count statistics in Word is Ctrl+Shift+G.
Word Count in Google Docs
- At the top of the page, click Tools
- Then, click Word count to find the total number of words, characters, and pages
- Alternatively, use shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C
Word Count in Writer
LibreOffice Writer shows the number of words and characters on the status bar.
To display extended statistics, double click the word count in the status bar or choose Tools (shortcut Alt+T) and then Word Count (shortcut Alt+W).
Word Count in Pages
- Click or tap on View or the view icon at the top of the screen
- Choose Show Word Count
- Alternatively, use shortcut Shift+Command+W

To show the word count in Pages on iOS, a similar procedure applies: tap the menu icon (a circle with three dots) at the top of the screen. Then choose View Options and select Show Word Count.
In all versions of Pages, you can display other statistics by clicking or tapping on the word counter (iPadOS and iOS) or the arrows (Mac). These additional statistics include the character count (with or without spaces), as well as the number of paragraphs and pages.
How to Calculate the Total Cost for Translation
Once you have determined the number of words in your document, it's easy to calculate a ballpark figure for the total cost of your English to Dutch translation project using the translation price calculator.
You can also simply multiply the number of words in your document with the quoted unit price.
If you need an exact price, it is best to send your document and request a tailor made quote for the project.