Transcreation, Non-Literal Translation
Transcreation puts the focus on the purpose and intention of a text rather than its exact wording. You give the translator a creative license so they can craft an English to Dutch transcreation.
By writing, adding, eliminating and/or rewording text, the translator is able to transmit the intended message effectively while retaining the essentials of the original.
Translation or Transcreation?
Regular translation is an exact conversion of words from one language to another, while transcreation involves taking a creative approach to adapting the source message to the target language while preserving its original meaning and intent.
By transcreating your English copy into Dutch you can stand out from the competition. Dutch transcreation of marketing materials is a useful approach in the following cases:
Motto, Slogan or Tagline
I provide one or two alternative Dutch translations for your company motto, slogan or product-specific tagline, and a creative rationale and back translation for each option.
Culture-specific Elements
Your copy contains culture-specific elements that would…▾
▸ …lose its meaning in translation.
For example, baseball has less associative value for most Dutch speakers than soccer, tennis or ice-skating.
▸ …be puzzling or obscure for the target group.
For example, knock-knock jokes are not generally effective with Dutch-speaking audiences, since they are not familiar with the concept of these jokes or the wordplay they entail.
Rhythm and Rhyme
The Dutch translation of rhyming copy should convey the meaning and have the same sort of rhythm, rhyme and sound as the English original.
Quote for English to Dutch Transcreation
To request a free quote for your Dutch transcreation, please complete the quote request form or view my rates for more details. BlacKKite will contact you within the hour to provide a transcreation quote.