Translation Rates & Translation Cost Calculator

How much does an English to Dutch translation cost per word, and what are the hourly translation rates for a Dutch translator in 2025?

Translations are charged on a transparent per-word basis. The total translation cost depends on the volume, subject matter, and requested delivery deadline of the project.

Translation Cost Calculator

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Dutch Translation Rates

The following rates are basic rates for standard translation and Dutch language services. Request a no obligation quote to get a price quote tailored to your project.

Service Language Unit price
TranslationEnglish > Dutch€0.11 per word
Technical TranslationEnglish > Dutch€0.12 - 0.14 per word
ProofreadingDutch€0.03 per word / hourly rate
RevisionEnglish > Dutch€0,035 per word / hourly rate
Pre-editingDutch€0,035 per word
TranscreationEnglish > Dutch€65 per hour
PDF TranslationEnglish > DutchSurcharge OCR & DTP work
General Hourly Rate€40
Minimum Charge€40
All rates quoted exclude Dutch VAT (21%). Payment is due 21 days after the invoice date.

Calculate the Total Translation Costs

Now that you know the translation rates per word and per hour, let's find out how much your project will cost in total.

Use the price calculator above to instantly get a price, turnaround, and delivery estimate, or follow the next steps to manually calculate the price.

Manually Calculate the Total Translation Price

The per word translation rates listed above enable you to calculate a ballpark figure for the total cost of your Dutch translation project. Simply multiply the number of words in your document with the quoted unit price. If needed, use a currency converter to convert euros into dollars, pounds or other currencies.

What is Included in the Translation Rate?

In order to understand and compare the total project pricing, you need to know exactly what the service entails.

The translation fee includes the following:
  • Dutch translation in source file layout and format
  • Meticulous Quality Assurance process
  • Second correction round at no extra cost
  • Translation memory on file for any additional work
  • Optional proprietary term base

These are the benefits of investing in a high-quality Dutch translation. Don't take my word for it – go ahead and assess the quality of the following case study yourself.

view case study

How To Order a Translation Quote

To request a quote, please fill out the request form and receive an itemized quotation tailored to your needs based on the translation rate. Your price estimate may be lower if your job is not bound to a strict and tight deadline.

Normally, you will receive your quote within the hour during office hours in the Netherlands.
Time zone: UTC/GMT +1 hour, during Summer Time/Daylight Saving Time UTC/GMT +2 hours. Current time

request tailor-made quote

  • Payment Options

    Alternative Payment Methods

In addition to paying by bank transfer, BlacKKite offers the following alternative payment methods for its high-quality Dutch editing, proofreading and translation services:
  • PayPal
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ether (ETH)

All applicable fees will be added to the total invoice amount. Get in touch for more details about paying with crypto coins.