CAT Tools for Translation Explained

BlacKKite uses specialized Computer Aided Translation software, or CAT tools, to support and facilitate the translation process. However, every translation is guaranteed a 100% human-made translation!

Let's take a moment to consider what CAT tools are and explain how CAT tools work.

100% human translation stamp

What Are Cat Tools?

A CAT tool is a translator productivity software that stores bilingual sentences in a translation memory database. When the program detects a similar sentence, it alerts the translator. They can then decide whether to include the suggestion or not. This allows them to work faster, more consistently, and with greater precision.

  • Benefits of CAT Tools for Translation Buyers

    Used by both translators and proofreaders

CAT tools enhance productivity and efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, managing memories and terminology, resulting in faster and more consistent translations, while also allowing translators and proofreaders to maintain the human touch and linguistic expertise.
  • Consistent use of terminology
  • Shorter turnaround times
  • Company-specific glossary
  • Retain original layout

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Familiarity with Other CAT Tools

memoQ certification for translators

BlacKKite is a certified memoQ translator and has used memoQ Translator Pro for over 14 years.

I also know several other CAT tools and software localization tools aside from memoQ.

Phrase TMS (formerly Memsource)
SDL Trados Studio
SDL Passolo
Wordfast Pro
Other (incl. Virtaal, OmegaT)
File Formats Compatible with CAT Tool

My main CAT tool, memoQ Translator Pro, is compatible with most file formats and other popular CAT tools. It can process documents in a range of formats, even PDF files.

supported file formats